Turn Her On With Text!

What will be The First Text to a Girl?

First Text to a Girl
Are you a shy type who has difficulties to attract girl directly? You may have experienced how you have prepared everything but when you face the girl you like, you become awkward and don’t know how to act. The words you have prepared lose, even worse you are trembling. She will end up just looking at you like seeing a weird and not getting any clue about your intention. Many guys have this problem when starting to make movement toward girls they like. If you are one of these guys, you don’t need to embarrass yourself further as there are smart ways suit you. In this century, technology can help you a lot. Take your phone out of your pocket and try to text her. But then, the main problem is what will be the first text to a girl?

First Text to a Girl

Starting everything needs proper greeting including starting texting to a girl. Make it simple and short but very respectful. Try to greet her in extraordinary way which needs her answer, not only formality answer. What you do is like fishing and greeting is your bait. When you text her for the first time, think about the timing. Try to find the most perfect time when she is free and comfortable to text. If not, your text may annoy her and she will just ignore and forget it. But, if you have sent the text and she doesn’t reply yet, you need to wait. You cannot force her to reply. It’s not supposed happened on your first textt to girl. You have to show your attention and understanding of her schedule and business so you can wait. If you don’t get any answer for a day, try to text her next day but never do it in same day. Girls don’t like it as it will be like they are forced to answer. These greeting tips must be remembered.

Good Greeting

Aside from simple and short greeting, there are rules that are needed in your first text to a girl. You can use emoticons to make your intentions clearer. They will accentuate things you want to convey. Don’t write greeting in many slang terms used on internet. Too much is always not good. At first, you may be asked the reason why you are texting them. Explain it casually. Don’t look for cliché reason such as borrowing books or something. Just tell her that you’d like to say hi. When you have texted each other for some days, when you greet her, you don’t need to give the reason. Short and simple greeting will be okay. Texting casually will be the best first text. Even your goal is to get close to her cliché words are not interesting at all. Just keep it casual and girl will like it.

You can also learn powerfull text that you can use to text a girl you like from my friends Boby Rio and his book here.

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